Alumni Weekend 2014
Alumni Weekend 2014
This year the College of Education and Human Development is hosting several events to help our alumni reconnect with each other during this fun-filled weekend, as well as provide useful information for educators and parents.
CEHD Alumni Reception – Friday, June 6, from 6-8 p.m.
Alison Hall Courtyard, 240 Academy Street
This year, the College of Education and Human Development reception will recognize our Shining Stars as we celebrate the accomplishments of our award-winning alumni.
Alumni and friends are invited to attend the College of Education and Human Development’s Shining Star Alumni Reception. We will be honoring alumni and faculty who have received recognition for outstanding achievements in their field, including:
- Susan Bunting
- Edward Cohen
- Tim Dalby
- Sherry Kijowski
- Mary Pinkston
- Allen Prettyman
- Ali McDonough
- Amanda Jansen
- Jill Szymanski
Help us celebrate the success of your colleagues while enjoying a delicious assortment of food – including beef medallions, poached salmon and lemon drop martinis – and reuniting with faculty and classmates. In addition, you can learn about the programs we offer that are helping us make a difference in the world.
Parking: Perkins Parking Garage is located nearby on Academy Street. Parking is available at Laird Campus (north campus) all weekend without a parking pass.
Lodging: Rooms are still available in residence halls on both East Campus. If you book a room in the new Gilbert or Redding Hall, you can easily walk to the CEHD reception and Mug Night.
Lunch with the Mascots, sponsored by CEHD
Saturday, June 7, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. on The Green
Families are invited to join us under the big tent on The Green for face painting, food and bounce houses. Jungle John, YoUDee and Baby Blue will provide live entertainment.
Parents and kids are encouraged to participate in activities sponsored by the College of Education and Human Development including arts & crafts, Jazzercise, story time, math and finance activities and our Parent Resources table.
Lunch will include the announcement of the new UDairy Creamery ice cream flavor made especially for Alumni Weekend and samples of the flavor will be available!
To register for Lunch with the Mascots and other events, go to the Alumni Weekend website and click on the “Join the Fun: Register Now” link at the top.
CEHD’s “Making Technology Fun, Educational and Safe” workshop
Saturday, June 7, 11 a.m. – Noon, 115 Gore Hall
Education Technology faculty and staff will provide an interactive program for parents and educators interested in learning about educational iPad/tablet apps, Internet safety and establishing parental controls. :
Online Safety for Children (11 a.m.- noon)
Children access online content with mobile phones, tablets, and computers in school, at home, and everywhere in between. How do you protect them online? We will explore your child’s online footprint, protecting your child’s information, social media, cyberbullying and parental controls to keep your child safe.
**PLEASE NOTE – the first session at 10 has been canceled. The Online Safety program has been moved to 115 Gore Hall
To register for the workshop go to the Alumni Weekend website and click on the “Join the Fun: Register Now” link at the top.