Faculty & Staff Awards
To recognize our faculty and staff for superior contributions to their field, our College has established a number of awards, bestowed annually during our All-College meeting.
College Awards
- an assistant or associate professor who has developed a strong program of research, received external funding to support that research, published in top research journals and/or published a book with a leading academic press.
- an assistant professor who is developing a strong program of research, has applied for external funding, and has published in high-quality journals and/or published a book with a leading academic press.
A monetary award is provided for each award, to be used to support the individual’s research program. Nominations are due by March 31.
Purpose of the Award
This award serves the following major purposes:
- To recognize and reward outstanding faculty instructors in CEHD.
- To provide models that promote excellence in teaching among other CEHD faculty.
- To highlight the College’s commitment to excellence in teaching.
One award may be given in a calendar year for excellence in teaching by a faculty member. The award recipient will be announced at the CEHD All-College meeting and will receive a certificate of recognition and $1,000.
Criteria of Excellence
Please nominate an individual who demonstrates most of the following qualities and characteristics:
- employs a scholarly approach to teaching and learning
- teaches in a thought-provoking and intellectually demanding way
- relates course content to other fields, contemporary issues, and student experiences
- promotes critical reading, thinking, and writing
- engages students and stimulates participation
- conveys enthusiasm about teaching
- exhibits open-mindedness, fairness, and respect of differences among students
- cares about individual students and their development
- inspires students to excel
Eligibility for the Award
- A person nominated for this award must be a full-time UD faculty member in the College. (“Faculty” refers to having a primary, secondary, or joint appointment as an instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, or full professor.)
- The person nominated for this award must have had full responsibility for teaching at least one course section in the College during the previous calendar year. The nominee may teach either undergraduate or graduate students, or both.
- The person nominated for this award has not won this award in the last five years.
- The person nominated for this award has not nominated himself/herself and has not solicited this nomination in any manner.
Nomination Process
To nominate a faculty member for this award, you must be familiar with the individual’s teaching expertise. Please submit this form and share examples of the nominee’s success in and dedication to teaching, plus give specific examples of how the individual fulfills the award criteria (listed above). Members of the CEHD Faculty Council are not eligible to nominate faculty for this award. Nominees will be notified once nominations have been submitted and will be asked to write a statement reflecting on their teaching (no more than 2 pages in length). Nominations are due by March 31.
Selection Process
The awardee will be selected by the CEHD Faculty Council. The Committee will compare the evidence provided in the nomination letter and by the relevant department chair against the criteria for excellence in teaching that are listed above. The Committee will also consider the nominee’s reflective statement. The number of nominations that a person receives is not a relevant factor in the Council’s deliberations. 2014: Amanda Jansen, Rob Palkovitz 2013: Bob Hampel, Michael Ferrari
Applicants must:
- be enrolled in an academic degree program at the University of Delaware,
- provide evidence of distinctive accomplishments in support of the College’s mission.
The recipient of the award will receive $2000.
To be considered for the Fillos Award, the applicant or nominating supervisor must complete the award form and submit the following information to the CEHD HR Manager:
- Degree being pursued
- Anticipated date of completion
- Long-term aspirations
- Letter of support from applicant’s supervisor stating evidence of distinctive accomplishments in support of the College’s mission
Nominations are due by March 31.
Selection Process
The awardee will be selected by the CEHD Staff Council.
- Generates an idea to increase efficiency and/or streamline a work process
- Develops a proposal for a cost savings solution
- Seeks possibilities for opportunities related to the College’s and/or University’s Strategic Plan
- Shares suggestions as to how to make the College or University a more inclusive environment
Selection Process
The awardee will be selected by the CEHD Staff Council. Nominations are due by March 31.
- Goes above and beyond regular responsibilities
- Consistently provides exemplary service to faculty, staff and/or students
- Demonstrates a willingness to help colleagues with projects, activities, and other work-related needs
- Fosters and promotes a positive work environment
- Fosters and promotes a sense of community and collaboration and encourages different viewpoints
Selection Process
The awardee will be selected by the CEHD Staff Council. Nominations are due by March 31.
Faculty Awards
Division for Learning Disabilities Jeannette Fleischner Career Leadership Award and the Special Education Research Award – Charles A. MacArthur received these awards from the Council for Exceptional Children. The Jeannette Fleischner Career Leadership Award honors those who have advanced the field of learning disabilities through direct service, policy development, community service, research, or organizational leadership throughout their careers. The Special Education Research Award recognizes an individual or team whose research has made significant, documented contributions to the education of children and youth with exceptionalities.
Emerging Scholar Award – Lauren Bailes will receive the American Association of Educational Research (AERA) Educational Change Special Interest Group (SIG) Emerging Scholar Award at the AERA conference in April. This award recognizes an early-career scholar who has demonstrated a strong record of original and significant scholarship related to educational change.
High Impact Publication Award – Allison Karpyn co-authored the article, “USDA Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Vendor Criteria: An Examination of US Administrative Agency Variations,” which examined the criteria for WIC vendors across 89 U.S. states and tribal territories. This article won the 2021 High Impact Publication Award given by the Healthy Eating Research Nutrition and Obesity Policy Research Network WIC Learning Collaborative.
National Academy of Education – Nancy Jordan has been elected to membership in the National Academy of Education, which advances high quality education research and its use in policy and practice. Members are elected on the basis of outstanding scholarship related to education, and Jordan is the second member from UD to receive this honor.
Reviewer of the Year – Joshua Wilson was named “Reviewer of the Year” by the academic journal Gifted Child Quarterly. Wilson’s research broadly focuses on ways to improve the teaching and learning of writing and specifically focuses on ways that automated writing evaluation systems can facilitate those improvements.
Early Career Publication Award – Erica Litke received this award from the American Educational Research Association for her publication, “The nature and quality of algebra instruction: Using a content-focused observation tool as a lens for understanding and improving instructional practice” published in Cognition and Instruction. It recognizes an individual junior scholar for an outstanding publication on Rasch measurement research within five years of obtaining their doctoral degree.
Excellence in Scholarly Community Engagement – Janine de Novais received this award from the University of Delaware, which is given to a faculty member who has displayed excellence in mutually beneficial, scholarly engaged teaching, research or creative activities and/or service.
Joseph E. Zins Award for Social and Emotional Learning Action Research – Tia Barnes received this award from the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL). The award recognizes individuals whose body of work and commitment to SEL have advanced the field and paved the way for others
National Academy of Education – Roberta Golinkoff has been elected to membership in the National Academy of Education, which advances high quality education research and its use in policy and practice. Members are elected on the basis of outstanding scholarship related to education, and Golinkoff is the first member from UD to receive this honor.
Top 100 Edu-Scholar Public Influence Rankings – CEHD Dean Gary T. Henry has been named to the American Enterprise Institute’s (AEI) Top 200 Edu-Scholar Public Influence Rankings. He is ranked 63rd in the nation—recognized for his extensive contributions to education research and his continued success introducing research findings into the national conversation.
American Education Research Association Fellows – The American Educational Research Association has recognized two University of Delaware School of Education faculty members, Charles A. MacArthur and Nancy C. Jordan, as AERA Fellows for their notable and sustained research accomplishments in the areas of literacy education and mathematics learning. MacArthur and Jordan join four previously recognized UD AERA Fellows.
American Psychological Association Award for Distinguished Contributions to Psychology in the Public Interest – Valerie Earnshaw is the recipient of the 2020 APA Award for Distinguished Contributions to Psychology in the Public Interest (Early Career).
Campus Compact Mid-Atlantic P20 Partnership Award – Elizabeth Soslau received the Campus Compact Mid-Atlantic P20 Partnership Award, which recognizes a leading partnership between PreK-12, higher education and the community. Soslau received this award in honor of her partnership with Need in Deed, a Philadelphia-based education nonprofit, and Warner Elementary School in Wilmington, Delaware.
Edgar Klugman Award for Lifetime Contribution of Research and Leadership in the Field of Play and Early Childhood Education – Myae Han received the Edgar Klugman Award for Lifetime Contribution of Research and Leadership in the Field of Play and Early Childhood Education from the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)’s Play, Policy, and Practice Forum.
Kauffman-Hallahan-Pullen Distinguished Researcher Award – Nancy C. Jordan, Dean Family Endowed Chair of Teacher Education in the School of Education, has been named the 2020 Kauffman-Hallahan-Pullen Distinguished Researcher by the CEC Division for Research. This award recognizes individuals or research teams whose research has resulted in more effective services or education for exceptional individuals.
Partnership for Public Education Fellowship – Ann Aviles has qualified for a PPE fellowship based on her partnership proposal with Yes, You Can!
Ratledge Family Award for Delaware Public Service – Allison Karpyn has received a Ratledge Family Award for Delaware Public Service which recognizes the contributions of University of Delaware community members to the well-being of all the people of the state.
SAGE Publishing 10-Year Impact Awards – Laura Desimone has received a 10-Year Impact Award, which are given to the authors of articles published in any SAGE journal that received the most citations over the span of a decade. Her paper “Improving Impact Studies of Teachers’ Professional Development: Toward Better Conceptualizations and Measures” received more than 1,000 citations between 2009 and 2019.
Top 100 Edu-Scholar Public Influence Rankings – CEHD dean Gary T. Henry has been named to the American Enterprise Institute’s (AEI) Top 200 Edu-Scholar Public Influence Rankings. He is ranked 81st in the nation—recognized for his extensive contributions to education research and his continued success introducing research findings into the national conversation.
Dean Family Endowed Professorship for Teacher Education – Nancy C. Jordan has become the first faculty member appointed to this endowed professorship, which was established through a charitable trust created for the purpose of attracting and retaining an outstanding educator and scholar.
Excellence in Teaching Award – William Lewis and Rob Palkovitz received this award from the University of Delaware which honors outstanding faculty members who demonstrate true excellence in teaching.
Faculty Excellence in Scholarly Community Engagement Award – Roberta Golinkoff received this award from the University of Delaware, which is given to a faculty member who has displayed excellence in mutually beneficial, scholarly engaged teaching, research or creative activities and/or service.
Mid-Career Faculty Excellence in Scholarship Award – Elizabeth Farley Ripple received this award from the University of Delaware. This award highlights UD’s commitment to excellence in research, scholarship and creative endeavors.
Psychology and AIDS Distinguished Leadership Award – Valerie Earnshaw received this award from the American Psychological Association, which recognizes individuals who have demonstrated outstanding effort and leadership in the conduct, dissemination and translation of high-quality research in the areas of HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment/care and/or policy.
Outstanding Public Communication of Education Research Award – Roberta Golinkoff, Unidel H. Rodney Sharp Chair, and her long-time collaborator Kathryn Hirsh-Pasek (Temple University), received this award during the 2018 American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual conference.
Linking Research to Practice Outstanding Publication Award – Amanda Jansen, professor in the University of Delaware School of Education, was recognized by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics for her article, “Rough Draft Talk in Mathematics Classrooms,” co-written with three Delaware teachers and published in the 2016-17 volume of Mathematics Teaching in Middle School.
UD’s Excellence in Undergraduate Academic Advising Award – Elizabeth Pemberton, professor in Education was selected to receive this award on May 7, 2018. Nominations are submitted by students, alumni, faculty, and staff to recognize dedication to our students’ success.
Jerry Johns Outstanding Teacher Educator in Reading Award – Sharon Walpole received this award at the 2018 International Literacy Association conference in Austin, TX. This international award honors an outstanding college or university teacher of reading methods or reading-related courses.
School of Education Awards
- School of Education Distinguished Faculty Award is presented to a full-time faculty member in the SOE to recognize outstanding achievement in research, teaching and/or service that is clearly beyond the expectations of the position.
- School of Education Second Mile Award is presented by the SOE to an individual in recognition and appreciation of exemplary support and service to the field of education.