HDFS adviser creates winning Alumni Weekend ice cream flavor
Sweet ‘Dela-bration’
University of Delaware employee Danielle Dolan submitted the winning ice cream ingredients for the limited edition Alumni Weekend flavor.
Called “Dela-bration,” her combination of vanilla ice cream, peanut butter sauce, melted Nutella and crushed pretzels was a fan favorite during the weekend activities.
The tasty treat was featured at the volunteer “thank you” luncheon, lunch with the YoUDee mascots, and the UDidit! picnic for University employees.
Dolan describes her creation as it relates to UD and the definition of a “Dela-bration” is twofold. She says the flavor is representative of Alumni Weekend because alumni are treating themselves by reconnecting with friends, but also coming back to campus and supporting the place that provided them with so many opportunities.
The actual flavor combination is also twofold because it is sweet yet salty and creamy yet crunchy.
Dolan, an academic adviser in the Department of Human Development and Family Studies, goes on to say that “the ice cream represents your time at UD and the twofold college experience of academics and student life.”
The Alumni Weekend flavor contest was sponsored by the UDairy Creamery.
UD Alumni Weekend
Held the first weekend after Commencement each year, Alumni Weekend is a tradition that is growing in popularity and in size.
The weekend encourages alumni, friends, and families to return to campus and celebrate the qualities that make UD unique. It also provides an opportunity to reconnect with friends and professors and to witness the remarkable changes at the University over the past few years.
More than 5,500 Blue Hens and friends attended in 2014, participating in activities such as Mug Night, the Blue Hen 5K, reunions, President Patrick Harker’s State of the University address, the R&B Lounge and the Alumni Wall of Fame Ceremony. See the CEHD Alumni Weekend wrap-up. More information can be found at the Alumni Weekend website.
UDairy Creamery
The UDairy Creamery, established in 2008, produces premium ice cream made with the milk from the cows on the farm at the University of Delaware College of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
Founded on science, sustainability and entrepreneurship, the creamery encourages discovery learning, with UD students involved in every aspect of making and selling ice cream “from the cow to the cone.” Get more information at the UDairy Creamery website.
This post was adapted from a UDaily article appearing on June 30, 2014.