Help for the Holidays
Around our College, students and staff are working to spread holiday cheer to families in need. We are collecting food, coats, games, etc. for children in our Centers and people in the community. If you are interested in helping us make a difference, here is a list of our programs:
Food Drive – The College School is sponsoring a collection of canned food items benefitting the Newark Welfare Committee. Donations accepted through Wednesday, December 18.
Board games – The Early Learning Center is accepting new board games (Chutes and Ladders, Jenga, etc.) to support children at the Neighborhood House in Wilmington. Drop off to the ELC by Dec. 13
Adopt a Family donations – The ELC is also participating in Adopt a Family. They are looking for monetary donations this year to purchase several larger gifts for the whole family. Drop off to the ELC by Dec. 13. For more information, contact Bianca Graves at
Winter Coat Drive – HDFS and DIEEC are collecting new coats for children whose families participate in the New Directions Early Head Start program. Hats and gloves are also welcome. Select a snowflake from the door of HDFS offices (Alison Hall West) indicating the child’s age and gender. Drop off locations are 111 Alison Hall, 112 and 113 Pearson Hall, Amy Rextrew House, or Creek View by Dec. 9.
And don’t forget, the University of Delaware Faculty Staff Campaign is still underway. Your participation can help support our students, centers and research efforts. Donations big and small are appreciated – we just ask that you give at a level that is meaningful to you.
CEHD Donations since May 2013 total $11,300.