In the News: Erik K. Layland and Roderick L. Carey

CEHD Professors Discuss Mental Health Struggles among Delaware Youth in LGBTQ+ and Marginalized Communities
In a recent WHYY article, Erik K. Layland, assistant professor in the College of Education and Human Development’s Department of Human Development and Family Sciences (HDFS), and Roderick L. Carey, associate professor in HDFS, discussed mental health struggles among underrepresented Delaware youth and its connection to opting out of college.
Layland and Carey also discuss the importance of cultural humility—an individual’s willingness to learn and engage with people from marginalized groups—and cultural competence—an individual’s ability to provide care for people from these groups. They encourage schools to provide more training in these areas.
News mentions
WHYY, February 22, 2024
Marginalized high school students are avoiding college for mental health reasons, February 26, 2024