Student Spotlight: Daniel Owen
Daniel Owen
Career and Life Studies Certificate Student
Hometown: Overland Park, Kansas
Classification: Second Year in Career and Life Studies Certificate (CLSC) program
Completion Date: May 2016
Extra Curricular Activities:
- Best Buddies
- WVUD: Two Guys and a Sound System
- Podcast: Tune the World Out
- SCPAB: Take the Mic
- Avid Concert-Goer
- Shadowed baker at Caesar Rodney Dining Hall for Disability Mentoring Day
- Baking
- Jewelry Making: The City Never Sleeps Designs
- Music
- Was a former booking agent in Kansas City
- Has been to over 100 concerts
What do you like most about your experience at UD?
“I love being independent. My family is so happy for me because I am living on my own…well with a roommate Zack. I feel like am very happy I am doing everything I should be doing on campus. Being independent, participating in clubs, experiencing the college life, making new friends on campus that are in and not in the CLSC program.”
“More than any other student you have branched out and made a lot of other connections independently on your own,” added Skye Beckley, CEHD master’s student during the interview.
“Daniel has had impeccable results in this program because he is so motivated,” said Debbie Boyer from CDS.
Has there been a mentor or professor that has helped spark your passion, realize your potential or inspired you?
“I got into music because of my Uncle Ronny. We always had music playing in the house–REM, Nirvana, so many others. I would say he feels like a dad to me. I guess I learned about music and grew from that, and I guess I like music so much because of him showing me all sorts of different things.”
“I love music and I love taking live shots of bands. After the show, and sometimes before the shows, I hang out with the bands. I have become friends with them. During the shows I feel like I am in crowd time…you know something’s going to happen and you want to get that photo. I like being in the crowd and seeing all the faces. When they are into the music their eyes light up. It feels like every time I’m in the crowd I just want to take pictures of them but I also love to see how the band reacts to them.
I like the way the lights look in the photos- coming from all different sides. There are in-the-moment shots when people do funky things on stage, and when people get caught up in the music. I never stop taking photos.”
What type of music do you like?
“I like underground bands like The Beautiful Bodies, Mary Jennings, Blame Shift, Get Busy Living, and Brad Byrd.”
Who is your favorite band?
“The Beautiful Bodies. I like taking photos of my friend Alicia (the lead singer) because how she is on stage is amazing; she interacts with the crowd and and they interact with her.”
What is your favorite song?
“Invincible by The Beautiful Bodies.”
If you had to pick, what was your favorite concert?
“I went to Dewey, Delaware in September and I got to see Mary Jennings live after four years. She is going to be showcased in the gallery. It was the first time seeing her live and she dedicated her song “Home” to me.”
Do you have a favorite photographer?
“Yes, Nick Zinner, I like his photography book.”
How would you describe your photography?
“I think my photography is more music related. I like live music I like being around the crowd.”
Daniel Owen smiling with singer of Mary Jennings. “I would say the focus is live music, campus, photo shoots of friends, family and bands.
I’m very excited to show these photos. I’ve been taking pictures for probably 10 years. Some photos were shot on my iPhone, some on my Nikon. I’ve never been able to show them outside of the Facebook world, but then I thought, lets do it! I never thought of doing a showcase back home in Kansas City. I always thought of doing it for the bands, I never thought about doing a showcase for myself.
I love doing what I’m doing and I love taking pictures of people and animals. I do have a shot of my dog that passed away. He came to Delaware and the photo is of him on The Green with my sister, her friend and my cousin who goes to UD. He has the lei wrapped around him.”
Are you nervous?
“A little bit. I didn’t got to school for this. This is very new to me. It’s exciting but I am still nervous about talking about photography.”
Do you have a favorite quote?
“All of our dreams come true if we have the courage to pursue them.” – Walt Disney
Visit Dan’s Facebook Page to find out more about his photography showcase.