COVID-19 Resources for Educators & Families

Resources to support Delaware’s children, teachers, families and schools during the COVID-19 pandemic
Updated October 21, 2020
The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has sparked much conversation throughout the world and has created opportunities for schools, teachers and families to respond in meaningful ways. Understanding the science behind how the coronavirus originated, spreads and ways to protect yourself are critical to helping schools, teachers and families talk with children about the facts behind coronavirus.
A group of UD faculty members have compiled and vetted this list of external resources for teachers, schools and families to help facilitate these conversations to ensure the science is not lost in translation.
The appearance of external hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by the University of Delaware of the linked websites, or the information, products or services contained therein.
How do we promote equity during remote/virtual learning?
Practice Brief: Fostering Equity Literacy Among In-Service Teachers
Partnership for Public Education, University of Delaware
This brief, written by Erin Baugher, Chanelle Wilson, and Elizabeth Soslau, provides points of consideration and resources based on research-based practices and experiential knowledge gained from engaging in equity education with in-service teachers.
English-Language Learners Need More Support During Remote Learning
Education Week
Written by Leslie M. Babinski, Steven J. Amendum, Steven E. Knotek, and Marta Sánchez, this article provides leaders and educators with evidence-informed suggestions for providing equitable instruction for English learners.
Virtual Speech Therapy
University of Delaware
A UDaily article written by Kelly Bothum features tips for families resuming speech services at school during distance learning from Liz Lucas, a speech-language pathologist (SLP) and clinical instructor in the University of Delaware’s Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, and Amanda Owen Van Horne, associate professor and director of UD’s Tell Lab.
External Resources
- PBIS Cultural Responsiveness Field Guide: Resources for Trainers and Coaches
The Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports’ field guide outlines an integrated framework to help schools become more responsive to the families, cultures, and communities for which they are responsible. - 3 Principles for an Anti-Racist, Equitable State Response to COVID-19 — and a Stronger Recovery
This paper authored by Erica Williams and Cortney Sanders, published by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, details a plan for equitable state responses to COVID-19. Their article explains the disproportionate effect of COVID-19 on people of color and provides three principles to guide state policymakers inequitable response and recovery efforts. - Educating all Learners During COVID-19
The Educating all Learners website provides helpful tools such as tips of the week, news articles, and a resource library. Have a resource you like and would like to share? There is an option in the resource library for uploading your resources for others to use as well. - There’s No Going Back: Child Care after COVID-19
A blog from The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), posted in May 2020, provides six ways leaders can create a more equitable future for early childhood education by addressing preexisting challenges and lessons learned during the pandemic. - Access and Equity
The Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) identifies actions states, districts, and schools can take to create new systems and processes that promote equity and expand access to quality learning experiences.
How can districts assess and manage missed content?
Incorporating Missing Content into Grade-level Work
Partnership for Public Education, University of Delaware
In this webinar, Dr. Faith Muirhead will walk you through a decision-making process designed to help educators provide content support while teaching at grade level. The Coherence Map and 2020-21 Priority Content from Achieve the Core will help you identify which standards may need support, and how to analyze your curriculum while maintaining focus on grade-level content.
External Resources
- Learning as We Go: Principles for Effective Assessment During the COVID-19 Pandemic
This paper summarizes the findings from a panel of assessment experts on diagnostic assessments and their role in helping educators and parents support student learning as we transition back to school. - The Impact of COVID-19 on Student Achievement
This article by Jim Soland and colleagues explores the effect COVID-19 may have on student achievement. The authors address past precedent and draw parallels between the current context and other reasons students miss school to make predictions about the impact of COVID-19. Implications unique to COVID-19 are discussed. - Learning Acceleration Guide
TNTP developed a Learning Acceleration Guide used by DDOE to guide recommendations for how schools should address learning loss. - Adapted Curriculum
The Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) has developed suggestions for how schools and districts can adapt their curriculum to scaffold prerequisite skills in new instruction. - Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) Restart and Recovery: Considerations for Teaching and Learning: Academics
Guide created by the CCSSO provides input on prioritizing instructional content, curriculum, assessment, and professional learning. The guide supports leaders and educators in answering, what should each student know? How will each student learn this content? How prepared and how well is each student learning this content? How will teachers be prepared to teach this content effectively?
How do I identify, evaluate, and use virtual learning resources and curriculum?
K-12 Online Teaching: Leading Through This Time of Uncertainty
Partnership for Public Education, University of Delaware
Three-part webinar series on leading online instruction during remote learning with Rachel Karchmer-Klein provides information on planning, implementing, and continued development during remote learning.
Reimagining Teaching and Learning for the Fall: A Time for Vital Leadership
Delaware Academy for School Leadership, University of Delaware
This webinar series, presented by University of Delaware faculty member Rachel Karchmer-Klein, is a free learning opportunity for principals and assistant principals as they reimagine and plan for the reopening of school in the Fall of 2020. This three-session program aims to develop building-level administrators’ knowledge of virtual teaching and learning.
External Resources
- Exploring the Evidence on Virtual and Blended Learning
This synthesis from the Research Alliance for New York City Schools examines evidence about virtual and blended learning and accessible tools and packages to support online learning. This information is designed to help schools and districts make decisions about remote learning strategies. - Best Evidence on Supporting Students to Learn Remotely, Education Endowment Foundation
The Education Endowment Foundation has compiled and assessed 60 systematic reviews and meta-analyses related to remote learning. The findings are summarized into five key implementation strategies. - K-12 Quality Matters Rubric
Published by Quality Matters, this rubric can be used for creating online or primarily online K-12 courses. This rubric uses eight general standards to guide these classes’ creation and delivery.
How can we maintain and improve communication with stakeholders?
Selection of District Surveys for Stakeholder Feedback
Center for Research in Education and Social Policy, University of Delaware
The Center for Research in Education and Social Policy (CRESP) has identified some example survey instruments for gathering stakeholder feedback. This tool and list is useful for thinking about how to collect information, what information to gather, and from whom. For more guidance or technical support, contact Dr. Jeff Klein.
Families and Schools: How Principals Shape Contexts for Engagement
Partnership for Public Education, University of Delaware
This brief, authored by Dr. Lauren P. Bailes and UD doctoral student Dilek Eruslu, describes a survey study that sought to understand family trust and engagement with schools. The authors discuss what schools have done to cultivate families’ feelings of trust and school engagement efficacy and conclude with engagement recommendations for school leaders.
External Resources
- What Works: Communication in Crisis
This webinar from the School Superintendents Association (AASA) features lessons from two superintendents who intentionally built community support for their school districts. - Using Transparency to Create Accountability When School Buildings Are Closed, and Tests Are Cancelled
This blog post from the Mid-Atlantic Regional Education Laboratory (REL) identifies actionable accountability strategies for districts through transparency about the educational process during school closures.
How are we going to keep students and educators safe?
Should schools reopen? Balancing COVID-19 and learning loss for young children
The Brookings Institution
This blog post written by Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, Michael Yogman, and Roberta Michnick Golinkoff explains that universal prescriptions or mandates for in-school learning this fall are misguided and unrealistic. Sadly, there is no risk-free decision about school reopening. Decision Makers must balance the risks of children contracting or spreading COVID-19 with counteracting risks of children falling academically behind and being deprived of social relationships in-school learning. Decisions about whether students should return to school in person must be tailored to fit each specific community and school district.
External Resources
- What Will It Take to Stabilize Schools in the Time of COVID-19?
This article, authored by Michael Griffith, posted to the Learning Policy Institute’s website on May 7, 2020, discusses the financial stabilization of schools during and after COVID-19. This resource includes a calculator for determining increased costs, losses in revenue, and total effect. - Return to School Roadmap
The Return to School Roadmap is an evidence-based resource designed to help leaders think about the challenges involved in reopening. Based on public health safety practices, this roadmap builds a foundation for healthy practice to continue after COVID-19 has passed. - The National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations: COVID-19
The National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations has provided multiple resources for parents and caregivers. Available in both English and Spanish, these guides include hand washing instructions, general tips, and how to talk to children about the pandemic. - Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) Restart & Recovery: Addressing Building safety, Cleaning & Monitoring
Guidance from the CCSSO addressing building safety, cleaning, and monitoring. Global perspectives, domestic government guidance, roadmaps to safe reopening, and application examples are provided. This resource draws on a resource created by the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) that is based on official guidance from multiple sources to include: the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the White House, American Academy of Pediatrics, Learning Policy Institute, American Enterprise Institute, Rutgers Graduate School of Education, the World Health Organization, the Office of the Prime Minister of Norway as well as the departments of education/health and/or offices of the governor for Idaho, Montana, New York, Texas and Washington, DC.
Delaware Department of Education (DDOE)
- DDOE COVID-19 Guidance Homepage
Guidance, resources, and plans from the DDOE are all located on this page. The following links and guidance documents can be located on this page as well. - Returning to School: Planning a Safe, Efficient, and Equitable Return to School for Students and Staff
This guidance is meant to be used as support for districts and charters as they continue planning to open the 2020-2021 school year. Essential safety protocols are included and required to be implemented by all Delaware schools, pre-K through grade 12. These health and safety protocols have been informed by the working groups’ recommendations and finalized by DPH in collaboration with DDOE to more feasibly and safely return to school buildings. Additionally, actionable planning steps have been included for districts and charter schools to consider as they develop their site-based plans. - DDOE Classroom Ready Plan
The Classroom Ready Plan communicates the DOE’s vision and approach for accelerating student learning at the beginning of the 2020-2021 school year. - Guidance for Supporting Student and Staff Socio-Emotional and Behavioral Health When Reopening Schools: Reentry Guide and Tool Kit
- Guidance for Reopening – English Learners
Specific guidance from DDOE on unfinished learning, targeted supports, and resources related to EL instruction. - Student Nutrition Site (English) (Spanish)
Continually updated information for families regarding meal pick up locations. Families can visit any of these meals sites. Children do not need to be present. The site does not need to be in the family’s home district or the school their child attends.
Educational Technology Office Hours
University of Delaware
Join Educational Technology faculty and students in the School of Education for informal, online professional development sessions and discussions designed to help K-12 educators with remote instruction. These free, participant-driven sessions will be available every other Wednesday, 4:00–5:00 pm (EST), through December 16, 2020.
- University of Delaware: COVID-19 Response and Resources
- Council of Chief State School Officers: Phase 2, Restart & Recovery
The Council of Chief State School Officers’ (CCSSO) phase 2 plan details a plan for restart and recovery in response to COVID-19. This resource includes CCSSO’s guidance for continuity of learning, conditions for education, leadership, planning, and policy and funding. - National Association for the Education of Young Children: Paycheck Protection Program Updates: What Child Care Programs Need to Know
This document, last updated on June 17, 2020, details the program’s most critical aspects. Information about eligibility, loan forgiveness, where and how to apply, and use of funds is provided. - COVID-19 resources for the general public, schools and businesses in Delaware
- Office of Head Start: Coronavirus Prevention and Response
- CDC: Resources for K-12 Schools and Childcare Programs
- CDC: About Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
- CDC on YouTube: How does COVID-19 spread? – Video (51 seconds)
- National Institute of Health: Coronavirus Information
- World Health Organization: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
- World Health Organization: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) advice for the public: Myth busters
- Delaware Institute for Excellence in Early Childhood: DIEEC COVID-19 Resources
- NPR: Coronavirus Information Comic (Ages young children to adult)
A useful resource for all ages developed with information from experts from the University of Illinois School of Social Work, LSU Health Sciences Center in New Orleans, and the National Institute of Mental Health. - Cincinnati Children’s Hospital: How Germs Spread | Explaining the Science for Kids Video (2:04 min)
- BrainPop: Coronavirus Video (4:11 min)
Background on the shape of the coronavirus, how it’s contracted, and symptoms that can occur. Resources for following what is happening around the world regarding the virus.
- Education Week: My 5 Basic Rules for Talking to Young Students
- Kids Health from Nemours: Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- New York Times: 5 Ways to Help Teens Manage Anxiety About the Coronavirus
- PBS: How to Talk to Your Kids about Coronavirus
- University of Delaware: Handwashing Activity for Families to do at Home
- CDC: Handwashing Resources
A wealth of resources in English and Spanish – stickers, posters, facts, videos, podcasts. Follow the video link for informational videos that detail proper handwashing technique. 30 second succinct video entitled “Wash Your Hands” is bottom right-hand corner and appropriate for young children through all ages. - CDC: Life Is Better With Clean Hands Campaign
Downloadable posters in English and Spanish illustrating proper handwashing techniques that can be hung by sinks and shared with families. - Fantastic Fun and Learning: Why Use Soap? Try this Demo at Home and Make Germs Scatter
- Alesund, M., & Alesund, A. (2018). Bacteria and antibiotics. Middletown, DE: Baby Medical School. (Kindergarten – Grade 5).
- Bielawski, R. (2014). Meet Bacteria! Middletown, DE. (Preschool – Grade 2).
- Davies, N. (2016). Tiny Creatures: The World of Microbes. Candlewick. (Kindergarten – Grade 5).
- Gallagher, A. (2017). Microbes. Las Vegas, NV: Thunderstone Books. (Grades 3 – 8).
- Professor, B. (2017). Virus vs. Bacteria : Knowing the Difference – Biology 6th Grade | Children’s Biology Books. Newark, DE: Speedy Publishing LLC. (Grades 4-8)